the awesome-flavored ice cream part two

remember that i’ve wrote about the awesome flavoured ice-cream before? no?
click here to refresh your memory.

its not like any ordinary ice-cream. this one i tell you, its rare.
once i tasted it, i won’t look for other flavors. this is the one! this is the one that i’ve been looking for.
that sweet-but-not-so-sweet taste, and the thickness, the colour and everything is OK for me, but i guess i’m not the one who only knew about this awesome ice-cream tho.Honestly, i won’t mind sharing, coz it is so awesome and i’m happy to spread the happiness and let people feel how i felt when i tasted it.
HOWEVER, this ice cream can only serve for one person. *tadangg*

and like i predict before, behind every awesome things there must be something hiding behind their back -.-

it seems i have to fight for it. compete. (i tried my best to make an effort here act and don’t ask me how) but somehow i feel other people deserves it more than i do.
i think i’m not qualified to have an awesome flavored ice-cream to serve me.
you say i don’t make an effort? haha, try to wear my shoes and run for a mile then we’ll talk.

maybe this is not the one. maybe i should just give up and moving on find the ice-cream that really can serve me, only me. selfish? maybe.

i wonder what will happen next?

One more spoon of cough syrup now

Life’s too short to even care at all, oh
I’m losing my mind, losing my mind, losing control
These fishes in the sea, they’re staring at me, Oh oh
A wet world aches for a beat of a drum, Oh

If I could find a way to see this straight
I’d run away
To some fortune that I, 
I should have found by now

I’m waiting for this cough syrup 
to come down, come down

Life’s too short to even care at all, oh
I’m coming up now, coming up now 
out of the blue, oh
These zombies in the park, 
they’re looking for my heart, oh oh
A dark world aches for a splash of the sun, oh oh

If I could find a way to see this straight
I’d run away
To some fortune that I, 
I should have found by now

And so I run now to the things 
they said could restore me
Restore life the way it should be

I’m waiting for this cough syrup 
to come down

Life’s too short to even care at all, oh
I’m losing my mind, losing my mind, losing control 

If I could find a way to see this straight
I’d run away
To some fortune that I, 
I should have found by now

And so I’d run now to the things 
they said could restore me
Restore life the way it should be

I’m waiting for this cough syrup 
to come down

One more spoon of cough syrup now, whoa (x2)

cough syrup – young the giant

kali ni panjang jugak aku taip. haha.

to tell you the truth, i don’t have experience to become a faci until today.

all started when maggie asked me,
“wi, nak jadi faci tak? untuk budak sekolah rendah. darjah 6 tak silap. jom la. aku ngan dayang join.”

at first, i was like hesitated due to this traumatic experience with kids. (traumatic la sgt) back then when i became a tempt teacher and end up working only 2 days and gave up. yep i know, i’m sucks. big time. why? because they can be soo adorable and making that cute faces with that lil cute voice and the next thing i know they went screaming and running non-stop. chaos i tell you. (darjah 2, 40 org, 3 kelas. aku siap sesat cari kelas HAHA)

but! until when? until when i want to be sucks when it come to handle the kids? until when i want to run away?
yep, i decided to face it and accept the challenge. (and kaut member lagi sorang hehe.)
nervous tu jangan cakap la. sebab programme tu hari sabtu, tau hari rabu. T.T

sampai lah hari kejadiannya. the programme start pukul 8, so the facis kena la dtg awal lg drpd tu for briefing.
we all aware that later we’ll get groups and do the games with kids and motivate them and everything. tapi aku tak tau part yg kena kongsi pengalaman everything. kalau ada pun, maybe the speakers nya org lain.
haha, surprise, surprise i was chosen to give a speech to talk about experience and give them some motivation. sesi pagi pulak tu. DAN AKU BARU TAU MCM LAGI 5 MINIT PROGRAMME TU NAK START AKU RASA NERVOUS OKAY. MAGGIE AND DAYANG DAH TERSENGIH-SENGIH KERANG BUSUK. HAHA.

(muka tak boleh blah)

and hey presto! alhamdulillah, no nervous breakdown. eventho my speech kindda merepek. (aku pun tak ingat apa yg aku ckp tadi, main ckp je lpas dapat mic tu.) but i got a positive feedback. alhamdulillah 🙂
yg paling best ada yg ingat aku 18 tahun. hehehehehhehehe.

lpas talk tu. ada bahagian group. me and am decided nak combine and have the activity together, and the kids ingat kitaorg ni adik beradik sbb faktor mata -_- haha. biorlah.

activity ‘ada apa dengan nama?’ where the kids have to write theirs names and put positive meaning for each letters mcm contohnya AMY: A-Ace M-Menolong Y-Yakin something like that. huhu.
the kids sangat creative. part yang paling best, ‘s untuk sayang. d untuk darling’ hahahahha.
i really had fun with them.

lpas tu ada talk lagi. kali ni dayang kena share tips mcm mana nak buat nota. hehe.
sadly lepas tu habis 😦
programme sampai pukul 1 je, tak sedar pun masa berlalu.

have to say goodbye to the kids. paling terharu bila mereka dtg and salam. *tears*

pengalaman paling best when it comes to handle the kids, kalau ada lagi, insya-Allah join. come at me brah. haha. SK BBS2, you guys awesome XD

gambar? click here to view the pikcas. 🙂

happy holiday guys!

while typing this post, i bet most of my classmates is either packing their stuff or on their way back or maybe already on their own bed, sleeping. baru ada chance nak type. serious, this week is kindda hectic -_-” alhamdulillah dah hand in the history works. article for sociolingu dah siap. rough idea for novel dh nampak sikit. tinggal islamic ethics je yang tak start lagi.  

yep, the mid-break already started 
(patutnya lepas isnin nanti baru start, tapi ramai pakat balik semalam takpun hari ni. haha.)
meanwhile me. still breathing at UIA like a boss! ._.v 
i’m aiming to do all my assignments here first. bawak balik rumah kang confirm aku nampak laptop, tv and katil je. and fyi, aku dah lama jugak la tak balik. last balik..okay aku lupa. maybe dah sebulan kot aku tak balik. (yes, aku ada kawan yang hanya balik during cuti sem je. tu serious respect and tabik. enjoy while it last, mate! nnt dah habis. confirm tringat-ingat? haha. okay itu cerita lain)
best jugak balik lambat ni. wifi laju. 
see ya after the break and berhati-hati ketika di jalan raya? haha. have fun.

16th March 2012 :)

location: mini audi
programme: BENL mentor mentee 😀
let the pictures speak for you 
registration time!

kak mei lambai2 hilang muka iwa. hehe

‘japanese is not all about ninja and sushi.’

                                                                               the girls 🙂


totally random.

here i am, again gluing my eyes to the laptop screen. blur. don’t know what to type. 

i feel like writing. but i just don’t know where to start. mcm-mcm tjadi kblakangan ni. 
it seems my days get more and more complicated. put aside the assignments and presentations (tu standard la kalau belajar kan.) 
bak kata umi, 
 “siapa cakap hidup ni makin lama makin senang? main naik, makin susah. itu sebab umi pesan solat jangan tinggal. mengaji. doa. mintak tolong tuhan permudahkan. insya-Allah okay la lepas tu. ingat pesan umi.” 
now i miss umi and bak. really. eventho sometimes umi and bak gaduh or merajuk, nnt bila part nak pujuk balik tu serious comel. nak gelak pun ada. sebab mcm kelakar. they’re already in their sixties but still can get stand to each other. alhamdulillah. i really want to be that way. to grow old together with your partner 🙂 insya-Allah, amin. amin ya rabba a’lamin. 
this post is getting weird and weirder. 
random rants on friday morning huh? 
happy friday guys! jgn lupa solat jumaat 🙂