khas untuk maimunah.

oh my, look at the time passed!!

right now one of my frens are already married!!
wahh, i wonder how she felt.. being someone’s wife at this age. oh my, what a challenge.
respect lah!
ingat lagi, dulu2 same kelas time form 1. kecik2 je maseng2. skarang dah kahwin. ya Allah, cepatnye mase.

congratulations to maimunah and her husband.
may Allah bless the two of you in dunia and akhirah.




lately, i didn’t enjoyed my sleep. i don’t know why. it’s like, hard to get in deep sleep. 
i like to sleep which i was soo into it. 
baru puas tido. hoho. 
maybe it takes time for a bit. hmm, maybe. 
Alhamdulillah, i just finished editting my script-writing. i’ll give it to my group mates for final touch. 
I hope it will be a blast. insya-Allah. 
haha, nantikan play kami okaay. 🙂
today, I was enjoyed by the fact that I having lunch at secret recipe with my class mates.
It was fun, though. hahaha! 
jalan kaki okay. comel gilaa. XD 
thanks anys, wan sya, meilin n thirah. 🙂
hmm, esok nak bertapa kat library for computer’s paper this saturday. -_-“

i’m funny heh ?

‘salwa, sense of humor kau tggi gilaa’
haha, itulah kata2 kwn aku td.

sometimes, i really don’t know why, why they laugh at me. -_-“
maybe ‘kelaka’ is in my blood.
you see, my dad also funny. my uncle also. and right now, i think one of my little cousin going to be one.
because he is really funny. hahaha

alhamdulillah, td demo speech went well.
like i expected, they laughed gila2.
mcm kwn aku kata, ‘kau ckp je aku vibrate gila2’ hahaha.
mdm komen, eye contact aku kurang. adehh, bnda tu aku buat tnpa disedari.
insya-Allah i’ll improve my skills for upcoming speech, thanks a lot mdm. 🙂

hmm, lpas ni persuasive pulak.

yada yada yada..

nothing can beat the fluffiness of my pillow.
nothing can beat the deliciousness of my umi’s dishes.
nothing can beat the warmness of my house.

to me my house is the precious one.

alhamdulillah, thank god that my house are very nearby. only 10 minutes from my campus. 😀
(nilai la tapi, masuk gombak nnt gonna be 1 hour. -_-)
hoho ouh yeahhh! nothing can beat my cat, gemokkk! 😀 hahaha. i love her very3 much. 😉

to tell you the truth, i’ve been to many places.
from banglo to somewere in felda.
(trust me, walopon umah banglo, tapi tak satisfied me at all.. stakat ni laa..)
in the end, aku sndiri yg tak slesa. -_-“

that is why, when i’m feeling depressed or disturbed, i prefer going back home.
doesn’t matter if i’m all alone, as long it is my home, i’ll comfortable there.

and one more thing,
kalau sekali aku dh niat baik nk ajak, tapi kau orang pusing2 skjap ckp nak skjap ckp tak nak.
aku tau lah lpas ni aku prlu buat ape. lpas ni tak perlu dgar ajakn aku lg. tak payah aku sakit hati lg.
don’t bother. better off going somewhere else.
i can be nice like an angel sometime, but when i’m bad.. u should think what you’ve done before.

nasihat dari aku ?
sila tetapkan pndirian masing2. jgn kejap nak kejap tak nak.
bukan nk ckp aku bajet gile poyo baik di sini, tapi sebabkn prangai macam tu, ramai yg saket hati, maybe aku je yg saket hati ? emosi ? mmg. sebab dh lame aku tahan.
entahlah, bak kate umi aku, ‘berbaik pd org berpada-pada, tp jahat jgn sesekali’

and about air,
that is why la aku di rumah sbab uia nilai takde air. -_-“
tapi kan, aku dgar ade kes org main gune air org lain (yg dtadah dlm baldi la tapi)
ya Allah, pikir la sndiri, cube kau kat tmpat org yg tadah tu ? geram tak ?
msti la. dh la penat2 tadah tiba2 balek dh kosong. aphal kau tak boleh pikir betul2 ?
tapi kalau pasal org lain senang pulak kau komen bodoh bagai, kau sendiri ?
hmm. aku betul2 tak paham.

suddenly i realized, there are a lots of people selling fish around me.

chocolate attempt..

geez, i have to change my topic since my homemade milk chocolate didn’t become one. -_-“
my umi said because i used too much butter, so it became like weird looking milk chocolate.
because, all the butter naik atas and bkumpul mnjadikn seolah2 mcm ade white chocolate brlapis dgn chocolate tsebut.. scary kannn ? haha. jadi aku kikis butter tu, then aku mix dgn biskut jacob yg dh dipecah, and put some nuts. and voila! a healthy kek batik, sugar-free!
i gave it to my lil cousin next door, they enjoyed it soo much!!
‘kak wawa buat mcm sedap gileee, byk gile rase coklaaat!’ hahaha.
*kembang sketika*

at least aku tak membazir dn membuang chocolate tsebut.
at least aku cri jugak alternatif ape nk buat dgn chocolate tsebut.
ceh bunyi gile poyo dn bajet kann ? haha. whatever.

as long i didn’t do any crime.

haish, i wish that my milk chocolate did work. takpe, aku akn experiment lain kali. hoho.

home alone.

being left alone in the house is not something fun. 

thank god gemuk is here with me. -alhamdulillah.
(itupn kat luar rumah, bak n umi had me sworn that don’t let gemuk in.) 
at least, she is staying guard outside right ? hahaha. 
according to my plan, at first i have to see someone tomorrow. 
what to do. tak ade rezeki kot. aku rase ade hikmahnye, so better stick with Allah’s plan. He knows best. 
for some people, being left with an empty house was like getting a gold fall from the sky. 
ye la kan, boleh buat sesuka hati je. even kau orang nak buat party pon boleh ? 
but to me, being left with an empty house was like feeling empty. 
hm, ni baru sehari. nnt kalau aku dah dpt rumah aku sorang2, maknanya aku kne kahwin cepat2 supaya tak feeling empty ? ahahaha. 
i miss bak’s jokes and umi’s lectures. they are my rainbow and sunshine. (gemuk also. :D)
hmm, this is was my very first time being left alone while my parents away to jementah. 

farhanitrate and prerajulisation ?

that is all i can say.

to tell you the truth, i don’t like watching hindustans. really.
i’m not in the club, but, i think i have to make an exception for the ‘3 idiots’.
okay maybe i am down-to-date a bit..but, it is the best movie i’ve ever seen. seriously.
(it makes me cried. *a lot!*)

watching 3 idiots also makes me remembered something.
ta’aruf week.

it all started when wan fitri introduced the movie to me.

‘salwa, kau penah tgok ‘3 idiots’ ?’
‘tak penah dnga plak, bru ke?’
‘baru la jgak, ha jum tgok.’

at first, sumpah aku ingat cite mat salleh mane la dye nk bg aku tgok. tapi, bile aku tgok style video je,
i knew, it was hindustan.
that time, i was like, duhh, me hindustan ? puhleaseeee.
hahaha. but then, these guys (hampir majoriti) all in the hindustan club.
trust me, even kuchai and haziq also in the club. -_-” so, what to do ? i take it as a challenge, and watch it with them (of course lah tgh break, tak curi tulang okayy)

ok, aku mengaku aku agk enjoy for the first 30 minutes. and agk kecewa bile cik assistant suh smbung keje.
hahaha. plan nk smbung mlm tu, tp wan tak bawak lappy tersebut. -_-“

but, thanks to you guys, i would never discovered such a beautiful movie. 🙂
-ceh, luahan student ben yg sdang blaja drama ?-

aal iz well.


2 paper left.
can’t wait to finish all the mid-term papers..

plus, by next week i have to settle
-the computer assignment.
-script writing.
-grammar assessment.
-oral com’s outline.

and start my term paper on drama. huu. what a haul indeed. -_-“
(smpai aku tak nak balek rumah la minggu depan sbab nk siapkan semua ini)

didie punye jabulani comel okaay!
aku rindu gemuk. 😥