i wonder how is next semester will be like?

just got my result at 12 a.m, it turned out just fine. alhamdulillah. 

i passed it.

eventho, mine is not dean list (yet) haha, 
but i believe one day i’ll make my bak and umi proud of me. insya-allah amin!
next semester going to be another busy semester. can’t wait! 
see ya guys in a week. 

midnight rants

when you are in front of the goal, you have two options.

option A:score it.

option B: miss it.

you choose.

eventho, the things that you wanted is just right in front of your eyes, somehow, how much you stretch out your hand, you fail to grab it instead you grab something else.

and that something else is better than the thing you always wanted. who knows?

its not like we always get what we wanted in our life, right?

apa aku merepek ni -_- *yawwnn* nite!

tiba-tiba je.

pagi, di rumah nenek, jementah. kelihatan umi, bak, dan nenek seakan kelam kabut selepas bak dapat panggilan di telefon bimbitnya tadi. sedang elok aku duduk bermalasan di kerusi malas..

umi: wa! cepat tukar baju, buat air! ada orang nak datang.

aku: ha? sape pulak nak datang, umi?

umi: jangan banyak bunyi la. buat je apa org suruh.

bak: cepat-cepat!

aku: okokokok. ish tanya je sikit pun marah -_-

10-15 minit kemudian, muncul tiga beranak yang tidak lah aku kenal, tapi yang masuk hanyalah pasangan tua, manakala yang lagi seorang tu elok duduk di luar. ambil angin agaknya..

mak cik dan pak cik : Assalammualaikum..

bak dan umi: Waalaikumusalam!

nenek: ha, jemputlah masuk.

bak: apa khabar?

pak cik: sihat, kami semua sihat. alhamdulillah.

mak cik: mana anak daranya?

umi: ha, jap. Wa! meh sini, ada orang nak jumpa ni ha.

nenek: malu agaknya. hehe

aku selaku anak dara mestilah kena duduk dekat dapur dulu. kena panggil baru datang, baru hot market sikit, haha. terkedek-kedek lah aku berjalan..

aku: *mencium tangan mak cik tersebut dan senyum*

mak cik: amboi sihatnya anak dara ni. hehe

semua yang berada di situ tergelak. haha.

aku: *berbisik* umi, ni sape, wa tak kenal.

umi: ni, derang datang ni ada hajat.

aku: ha? hajat apa? *dokidokidoki*

bak: nak merisik kamu.

aku: me..meri..merisik? :O *DOKIDOKIDOKI*

makcik dan pakcik saling berpandangan, senyum.

pak cik: ha, mana si teruna ni, ha. masuk la. tak payah nak ambil angin sangat kat luar tu.

seorang pemuda masuk..aku yang tertunduk malu ni, sikit demi sikit intai pemuda tersebut.



aku: *menarik nafas panjang* ya Allah, aku ingat bebtul la tadi. mcm nak pecah dibuatnya jantung ni. mimpi rupanya. jap.. adakah ini petanda? :O

ala, asal aku tak nampak muka dia -_- melepas. ish. hahaha.

sorry semua, ini hanyalah sebuah mimpi. jangan belasah aku pulak ._. aku share je.

gong xi, gong xi. lai lai lai!

well, its Chinese New Year season! usually, around this time bak will bought a box of mandarin oranges, some kacang and orange f&n just to get into the mood of CNY. haha.
one of my favourite recipe when it comes CNY its air oren kacang. bunyi mcm pelik, tapi serious kena try!

all you have to do is..

1. take a clean cup/glass/mug, a F&N orange carbonated drink, a pack of kacang cap tangan. (nak pakai brand lain pon boleh ni just highly recommended 😀 haha, your choice.)

2. pour some F&N orange carbonated drink to your cup/glass/mug.
3. kopek some kacang and simply put it in the orange juice. ye letak je. tak payah was-was.
4. agak-agak mcm nak dah penuh, atau mmg dah satisfied dengan bilangan kacang tersebut boleh la stop. terpulang pada anda la nak letak berapa banyak. i prefer this much :3 (pandangan dari atas)
5. TADAAA! done. (pandangan dari tepi.)
i know, its kindda weird. bak taught me this and we always drink this during CNY. haha. tapi seriously, this is DAEBAK (bajet mcm orang korea la pulak) atau lebih senang dikatakan cool gila. the sensation its just too awesome to say it here, just try it out guys! kalau sesiapa yang ada allergic to nuts, i’m so sorry. 
well, konggg heyyyyy fatttttt choiiiiiiiiiiiii! XD

tiba-tiba ada mood nak taip something..

I once read a story that go out like this..

“There’s a girl fall in love in with her best friend, somehow later she found out that her best friend like someone else, and that someone else also like her best friend at the same time. She knew she have to face the fact that she going don’t have a chance with her best friend at all even though how much she loves him. Broken, disappointed, the girl go travel somewhere far far away in order to heal her heart and wishing her best friend to be happily ever after from afar.”  

I know its pretty cliche but somehow aku respect jugak la at that girl. the way she sacrifice her own love and not being some selfish bitch girl. quite sad story. then i told one of my friend about the story and how i was respecting her and kesiankan dia at the same time. and she was like:

‘to me that girl is stupid. pathetic. why must she ran away from everyone just because her best friend like someone else. not worth it. she’s not solving her problem, basically she’s avoiding it. until when?’
(something like that la, i can’t remember the exact words. but yeah)

at first, aku mcm kau ni gila straight cuba la paham sikit ke apa. -__- tapi, yes, she’s got a point. sampai bila keje nak lari je? asal kau suka somebody, behtu org tu tak suka kau, lari pi tempat lain. tak patut jugak. yes, it hurts to see someone you love with someone else. memang boleh sakit. tapi sampai bila nak meraung nak melayan perasaan tu? come on, you have life to focus on. bak kata umi, ah benda mcm tu buang masa je, pi mengaji ke apa lagi berfaedah dapat pahala. haha.

if I was that girl, maybe going to take a vacation for a while and clear my mind a bit and make a positive come back and support my best friend. yep, no running away, I’m going to face it like a boss insya-Allah. And that, ladies and gentlemen is how to conquer problems.  

kaki aku bengkak balik sebab jalan hardcore sgt kot? ._.

the actual plan is to make a new ic since the address is already change (and muka dkat ic adalah sangat toye), ingat nak buat ic baru. so, bertolak lah pepagi pi jpn putrajaya dgn niat yg suci murni nak buat ic baru. ala, gaya mcm budak darjah 6 dulu baru first time nak buat ic. mcm tu la. HAHAH. ok, so, dah settle, sekali umi ajak jalan. alang2 dah keluar ni. bila lagi?
attempt nak amek fail sbb org lalu lalang

mcm okay sket kot?

ceh. pandang sana pulak. haha

bak tgh dok ckp, trtkan amek gamba ._.v haha

umi ngan bak belanja :3

yeah, good ties. good times :DD