
aha. aku mang puas hati!

yea, skang ni aku kmbali ke kampus. (dok umah 1 malam pon ckopla)
lg skali aku ucapkan bye2 to gmok da cat. (sempat dye pnjat ke ats aku td. haha! rindu la kot?)

well, actually aku x usha kampus aku kat nilai sckupnye smalam..so aku cam x sdap ati n risau kalo2 ade bnde yg slack an..
tdo aku pon cam tjage2 je smalam. (x ke parah tu?) haha..

so, aku pon ucpkan bye2 to bak n umi td..n mlangkah tgga smpai ke tgkat 2(tp rase cam nek tgkat 4)

start la operasi aku sndiri.
aku da kemas2 sume brg2 aku n sume da tsimpan kemas dlm loker ku.
cadar katil da bentang.
beg2 sume da simpan.
air pon da isi kat water cooler td.
baldi pon da ltak di tandas.
(yeah! tandas dye best! haha..alhamdulillah)

erm da best thing, study room ade byk plug! haha..
aku pon pilih meja study yg dkat ngan plug. snang aku nak bkak my lappy.
teehehe..plus, cafe just dpan my block ja.
haha. aku cam bsyukur sgt2. hu trase nk mnanges.
(huu, aku agk snsitif kblakangan ni n snang tharu. wuwuwu~)

tp bnde lain aku x usha lg la..maybe tomorrow? dunno la..huhu..

agk tpinga-tpinga lg meyh. budak bru la katakan. hoho.

hope everything goes well. huu~

stakat ni aku der rapat ngan sape2. aku tegor je sme..name pon x igt. igt mke je.. adoi.
lame2 ok la kot? heheh.

hurm..kje aku on9 ja la dlm 2 3 hari ni..huuuu~
coz tade bnde mau buat ouh. haha..


yeay! i am BEN student.


yeah, after a week orientation..or ‘taaruf week’
i’m kindda exhausted. huuu~
(eceh, speaking2 pula)

haha..ni pon bru ja balek umah..
(sok kne balek kampus balek..umi n bak nak pi mersing! cis drang bjalan tika ku bz.)
but never mind though..lpas aku kje nnt aku travel byk2. hehe..

ha, mesti korang nk tau citenya kan? kan? kan? ehee..


24 may ri tu aku register kat iium cfs kat pj as cam aku gtau dlu.
keadaan? haha..SESAK
yeap, sesak gile nk mati..crowded ouh..keta smpai ke luar2 cfs uh..(btapa ramainye umat)
student tahun ni ramai..tbuka mata ku, mang bijak pandai batch aku nieh.
hakhak! well, tp serious ramai!!
aku mang dok bpeloh2 la..da la panas..org ramai..mang pning2 pala otak..
n registration agk x smooth.

n akhirnya aku dpt kunci bilik aku.
kalo td org ramai. skang ni lif plak x muat.
tension jgak la ptang tu. dlm 2 3 trip aku tggu baru dpt nek..
ngan seretkn brg2 aku..aku pi kat bilik ku yg bnombor ‘503’
okeh, bilik tu agk special. coz ade tembok.(aku pon x tau ape fungsi ade tembok dlm bilik. korang tau?)
haha..and 1 bilik ade 4 roomates..bole la..
n no locker. yes no locker my fren.
so aku mang redhala n agk tkjut sketika..naseb bju aku x byk.
but okay ja..aku rase kat maahad lg dasat. haha!
toilet okehla..just air dye pressure x kuat ouh..tp alhamdulillah ade la gak en air.
n ampaian dye nice! snang kring kain aku. haha..

solat? kat musholla ja..x jauh pon. ha, aku dpt level 5.

okeh..lpas tu start la aktiviti dye.
byk gile briefing. huhu..kat sini kalo denda kne rm 50 sje.(terbang duit aku nnt kalo wat hal)
tp ni bukan cam skola da la..ni universiti..lg strict meyh..hoho..attendance pon kne jage.
da la ade APT(arabic placement test) ngan EPT(english placement test)..bole la..but arab gile susah..
huu~ result ni akn mnentukan level aku n bape lame aku kne blaja kat cfs ni. huhu~
fardhu ain test pon ade. agk ok la. =)

byk2 briefing aku ske briefing psl course aku.
hehe..byk gak la sub2 yg aku kne amek..
human science pon aku blaja ouh. mang aku klua layak la jd counselor. (eyh, bt0l ni!)
n pointer kene mncapai 2.25 la..kalo mau lulus n slamat. huhu..
(tetibe aku agk nervous)

well, mang okay la..
bole trima la..

cafe? haha..okeh2 ja..murah n agk boleh dtelan.
plus makcik jual air tu nice gler! wuwuwu..da x jmpe dye lg da..

ouh, ramai gilak!
da la cam jejak kasih coz dak2 al-amin ramai giler masok iium ni..huhu
mang mlpaskn rindu.
dak maahad pon ade!
but, tade sape yg same kos ngan aku.
cis. aku sorang lg.
but aku ade la mke frens ngan dak2 yg same kos ngan aku. hope everything ok.

haha..but overall aku okeh ja la! iium la! hoho.;D wink!!


erm. agk pnat mau type lg meyh..
k next time tau..

finally, 24th may 2009.

yea, today!
akn aku prgi ngan langkah sbagai seorang mahasiswi (ececeh, ayt x bole blah!)

haha..only god knows ape yg aku rase skang.
smalam tdo pon x lena. dunno why? n suddenly problem dtg. haish, dugaan btol.
hidup aku agk drama kblakangan ni. serious.
ke i’m being punk’d by ashton kutcher? (haha..dye pon x knal aku. prasan nk kene punk’d ea)
haha. haha. haha.

ah, aku mls maw pkir itu problem. nnt2 la aku settle. x mati pon.
(gaya blagak)
haha. haha. haha.
(apsal tone glak aku lain?)

okeh, back to da point.
ouh uia. cmne la ko nnt ea.
aku puas pkir taaruf week dye cne ye..
ke aku kne tmpoh cam orientasi dlu2 ha? (malas aku nk tmpoh lg.)
tbe2 memori silam kmbali. (mang kne brainwashed gile2 nk mati time dlu)
adkh toturing moment kmbali? hurm..psoalan yg sring bermain di otak fikiran aku.

whatever la.
bsyukur la salwa, ko dpt masok uia ni ko nak kutok nk komplen nk ckp byk ni aphal?
x reti nk bsyukur ke salwa? ha? ha?
so, u better keep ur mouth shut n bsyukur je ape yg ade. n say ‘Alhamdulillah’.
make ur parent proud.
dont waste ur time. go n study.study la!
it’s for ur own good!
haha. haha. haha.
(again, nape gelak cni??)

haha. okeh2. agk masok akal bile dpikir balek.
Alhamdulillah. teehehe..

hmm..so, wish me luck guys! aku maybe x on9 wat smentare waktu. malas nk bwk my lappy skali for da ferst week. kang pape tjadi susah plak. so, nnt da stabil aku da okeh. i’ll be bring my lappy along n on9-ing as usual. just maybe x slalu cam skang la..maybe aku akn jd agk busy ngan kje2 yg bakal aku dpt.(ntah cne la kje assignment aku nnt ye? hmm)
sape yg ade my contact num. just text me okeh. insya-Allah i’ll reply. =)

so bye2 toilet, bye2 pillow, bye2 blanket, bye2 beddie, bye2 comic, bye2 novel, bye2 lappy, bye2 mirror, bye2 gmok da fish, bye2 gmok da cat, bye2 tv, bye2 dvd, bye2 cd, bye2 astro, bye2 jeans, bye2 closet, bye2 umi, bye2 bak, bye2 house. n bye2 all!

ceit, budak start cuti aku start blaja. tak aci.

haha. okeh2 hav a nice week. tke cre everybody!! gonna miss u ouh. ;D wink!!

bye2. (^_^)


yea! esok, 24 may 2009.
(korang pon tahu ape akn tjadi pda aku kn? kn? kn? huhu~)

tp an, aku x packing lg..cam x ready je lg..cam malas2 je lg.. nape ea?..(mke rilek giler)
bukan aku x ske study. aku ske gila, lbeyh2 lg dpt bidang yg aku idam2kn dr zmn knk2 ribena lg..hoho!
tapi, maybe aku x ready nk bhadapn ngan keadaan skeliling dye lg.. aku takot culture shock lg. cam aku masok hostel time aku ferst time dlu.

ferst time aku masok hostel, time aku form 4.
huhu..dlu aku x tpikir pon aku akn idop dlm hostel2 ni..coz aku pkir aku akn sko0l kat al-amin tu smpai abes. tp x de jodoh rpenye..pmr pon kat sko0l nilai..huhu~ bye2 al-amin. then lpas pmr dpt offer masok maahad kat n.9..bye2 skool nilai.
haha! n time tu la aku amek langkah brani jejak sko0l kat n.9 tsebut.
mang culture shock. huu~ homesick? jgn ckp la..haha! tp everything goes well after a month.
da sko0l is pretty nice, but 1 thing i hate about dat skool. rules.(da rules are damn crazy n x masok akal.)
sape2 yg pnah idop kat situ akn pham nape aku bkata sbegitu rupe. serious, aku mmg serious. (nada serious)
but then, i’m already finished my high school. high school in history. in memory. bye2 high skool.
so let’s walk forward. jum3!

haha..aku x pcaye la..
cam smalam ja aku masok skola rendah..(budak hingusan lg time tu..hoho)
esok, yea esok! aku akn bjalan sbagai mahasiswi.
bygkan siti naimatul salwa yg kuat nanges, yg slalu kne buli, yg slalu kne gelak time skola rendah dlu da jd mahasiswi??
ketawa. hahahaha. yea, kindda funny to think back what happen to me back at primary schools :))
kwn2 se-skool rendah! korang pon tau an aku cne time skola rendah dlu..heyhey..!

well. tu namanye kenangan. kenangan yg indah yg ku simpan kemas dlm memori.
dan masa mematangkan pmikran aku.
dn dlm tempoh tu, aku byk blajar ttg khidupan smbil mngenal sang pencipta yg maha Esa.
alhamdulillah aku bsyukur ngan ape yg ade skang. terima kasih tuhan. =)

yea salwa. sok ko da nak blah dah..
tp ko x packing lg? haha..mlm kang aku packing la..siang ni aku nk mnikmati khidupan as pmalas jap. haha!
maybe aku akn away wat mggu ptame. n tak tau lg aku akn sempat on9 n post blog cam biasa?
dunno yet. but dun worry guys. i’ll bring my lappy along wit me after everything is stable. n i’ll use wireless too. ;D wink!!
n aku orientasi je kat pj but kampus kat nilai. (is it a bad news or good news?)
well, good news is:
dkat gila ngan umah..snang gila nk mati balek umah. haha! yeay, aku bole jmpe gmok da cat tiap2 mggu.
n kalo mau mkn balek umah ja..(bole jimat2 sket.teehehe)
umi ade mentioned i can drive. huu! n patot ke aku mintak kbenaran x mo dok kampus? wakakak?
bad news is:
x besa cam kat pj. x aci. n kalo aku bukak je pagar kampus kat nilai tu aku nampak kain je bderet2 coz situ byk gila kdai kain. boring. n again x aci. haha! (ish aku ni x bsyukur lansung!! tepuk pala sndiri..)
tp positive lg byk dr negative la. so good news wins! yippee..hehe..
so anyone who have my contact num. just texted me.. insya-Allah i’ll reply (kalau ade kredit T.T) hehe..

nak tahu tak ape aku rase skang?
nak tahu?
aku lapar!

huuuu..actually aku kne tggal oleh parent tercinta bsame pakcik n makcik aku yg tsayang..
pi knduri kahwin kat pahang. n my dad’s pajero rosak. so nek keta waja.
n makcik aku tu ade 3 ank laki2. meaning, x muat kalo aku nk join 2 kaki skali! hua!!
tggal la aku ngan gm0k da cat. (cis, kcing aku da knyang coz aku da bg dye mkn ikan sekor td, maybe tgh blingkar di pasu2 bunga n mlelapkn mata. i’m jelous wit her. cis2!)
yea. home alone.

ha! suddenly i’ve got idea. heheh..

smalam lpe maw skalikan review aku ttg classmates aku kat BC. so here goes,

my teacher Simon Willioms :
damn hillarious n his face kindda similar like rowan atkinson. but handsome! hehe, freaks bout football n confessed dun wan to get married bcoz too complicated n he already happy wit the way he is.(erm, he said it). can speak japanese n thai. n his first malay words was asap. haha! gonna miss u simon. i’m enjoying ur class da every minutes of it. =)


weng ee:
well, he’s simple n brainy. n he is da only boy in our group. (but now he already join wit da guys.) haha..gonna miss ur brainy answers. haha! n i always noticed he wears da pink shirt. (not everytime but most of time i saw that pinky shirt. teehehe)

wei jyuan:
the first boy i talked to when first time i’m attending da class. n u know what? i’m enjoyed when we played da bidding game..hehe, nice one mate!n we have a laugh. =D n ur phone always ringing. heheh..n we called him da ‘hokkien guy’ haha.

wong lun cheng:
hmm..kindda silent. but i’m shocked that he will laughed like crazy if sumone makes jokes. he seems nice. hoho.

teck huan:
yea, he also pretty silent meyh. dunno what he’s been up to. but he also okay.

we always called him da ‘hip hop guy’ haha! bcoz his hip hop soul r strong man! but nabila says (nabila n james were goin to same skool n same class.yea they’re classmates.) james always makes da chaos in da class. but why i’m seeing da opposite wat at BC? haha..watever..he still da hip hop guy.

look like dun like to talk a lot. but if u already started da conversation(any conversation) he will talk like fast n laugh like crazy.i’m kindda shocked to see u like dat at da first time.haha! nice idea for the news dude. u kindda fun to be with. hoho

hav to admit, he got da innocent face! haha.(eventhough i’ve already hav boyfren, kindda bole tgoda ya know. haha!)
n he taking A-levels at college (kindda forget which college). he is nice. =)

he n sean always together. dats why i’m called them ‘the twins’. haha. plus he also taking A-levels like sean. n leon is being clasified as ‘flirting’ by the others. i heard he fancies lai hwa. haha, i dun know it’s true or not. but kindda true. huhu~ n he pretty blur sumtimes but he makes us laugh like hell. haha! nice way mate.


kwai yee:
da tomboy liked-speaky girl, who luv to laugh n gossiping. haha.. n she likes to eat. haha! remebered u took away leon french fries. hahaha! she is friendly n she got her way to speak ‘hello’ to people. n she like to slap n hit people. (she got big hands..n make my skin goin red) hahaha..but she is nice. miss u kwai yee!

i’ve already seen her wit her boyfren many times. haha! her boyfren is very protective one..will send her until in front of da class. huhu. romantic2. n she likes bringing sweets n snacks n sumtimes manjuu. (kwai yee’s favourite) n she always go to kinokuniya book store. huhu..~ she also like kwai yee, luv to laugh n gossiping. haha. miss u also.

she is da one who always go on train wit me. (well, smpai masjid jamek saja. haha) n we always go pray together at klcc’s surau. huuu! thank u so0 much for accompanying me. yea, she also luv gossiping n laughing. n guess what she business student at Unita( is it right?, but sumwhere at klana jaya la.) huhu..miss u bella.

da indonesian girl who know how to read n spell korean! (argh! i’m jelous of her) haha..she goes to local skool so, she can speak malay well. n if we talking bout accident, we always mentioned her. haha! u know what i mean rite nicky? so sad dat u absent yesterday. gonna miss u also. auw…n thanks for reading da news. =)

yea, another indonesian girl. she goes to fairview international school. (which u hav to pay rm 7000.oo per term if u wan to study at dat skool.) n she use i phone dat kwai yee luv so0 much. haha! (da i phone in kwai yee’s blog is nabila’s actually. kwai yee, u busted! hahaha..)..she likes to give out new vocab. bad one. hahaha! she also sweet n nice. miss u also. heheh.

li jin:
da first girl i talked to. she kindda shy n talk softly dat i even ask her to repeats many2 times. haha. she nice n sweet.
n she always say ‘ ask ur boyfren la to pick u up’ when the end of da class. hahaha! miss u also.

da tiny girl who actually 17. haha. she fanatic wit camera. yea she luv camera. n played hoki for her school. (wow).
she also like to tell stories n laugh. nice. =)

lai hwa:
da shy girl who leon fancies. haha! she’s cute but shy. n always smiling. (no wonder leon falls for her) her dress-up also cute. heheh. sweet.

hmm..she always sits wit da guys. yesterday is her bfday. happy bfday peishan! huhu.. she always asked question to simon.
gud student she is. hoho. well, she also nice n sweet.

yea. i’m gonna miss u guys. heheh. jgn mara ya. =)

erm. until next time..wish me luck okeh. wuwuwu.

ouh BC.


FRidaY, 22 MaY 2009.

the day to remember..
argh! gonna miss my class.. gonna miss all da laugh
.. gonna miss da fun.. gonna miss my fren..
gonna miss my dear simon! huuu
~ T.T

well, ari ni aku trun klcc agk awal la..sje maw usha2 n tatap puas2..ehee.. so i’ve decided to watch movies today..erm, tgok ‘angels n demons’ kindda co0l! nice plot… mang genius. tp agak x seswai ntok bwh umur dn yg naif ya. huhu..need parental guidance to watch this movies. (not SX but PL). kindda violent a bit.hoho. okeh then after watching da movie alone..(yea. alone) pi solat n jln2 n mkn at burger king.

then on9-ing at BC..(heheh..since i got da library card..i can access many2 times i want, yea for da last time. T.T)

da settle cek e-mail n all of dat stuff..naik klas.
as usual, i’m gonna sit with da girls. haha..chit-chattin
g n bla..bla..bla..
n da funny thing is..i was like excited for bringing da digital camera wi
th me to take pic wit them.
guess what? ‘battery exhausted’. th
anks to da camera, kwai yee, nabila, james n lai hwa laughing at me like hell. haha, frust mnonggeng.

thank god, my phone got camera..well da quality is not bad..but wit da digital camera is way better.
(ahaha..saje nk speaking byk2..ni pon mrapek2 ja aku speaking.

okeh, then we learned how to write a letter for applying job.
huu..today les
son got a lots of writing n writing.. but doesnt matter..it is my last class! i’m enjoy until da last minute of it.. huhu..

and finally..da class it’s over..n all of them come to me n wish me luck n
taking pictures n salam2 me..(kindda shocked a bit sean n leon salam me just now. haha..’the twins’ dat’s wat i called them)
so sad dat nicky is absent ouh. gonna miss her too. (nicky, it was so nice dat u voluteering to read da news last week!)

auw. gonna miss all of u.

my teacher : Simon Williams

BoyS :
Weng Ee

Wei Jyuan
Wong Lun Cheng

Teck Huan


Kwai Yee

Lai Hwa

Li jin

ouh u guys rocks! haha..(am i too over-reacting??)

here sum pic i’ve taken.

1. Kwai yee laughing n laughing until she fell down. haha!
2. Kwai yee n Simon.

3. Bella n Simon.
4. yea, again Kwai yee n Malvis. heheh..

5. Malvis’s back (hasil tangkapan kwai yee)
6. Kwai yee, malvis n me. =)

7. Kwai yee n me. (yea, kwai yee is really like to taking pikcas.)
8. ouh klcc gonna miss u..(^3^)

huu..gonna miss them, n thanks bella for having dinner wit me at A&w tonite n go on train wit me. ehehe..
go-go chaiyok everyone! n dun forget do ur homewerk..teehehe..(thank god.)

n dun forget me.
;D wink!!

1 week left.

hadoi!, sminggu ja lagi ouh!

aku rase kjap je cuti ni..sape yg ckp lame gile nak mati?
sape yg ckp wei??

serious, aku bru set otak aku bulan 6 bru start study..ngeheheh..
bru je nak hora2 sana sini…skali..



haha..lbeh cpat dr pd yg aku expected..habes rancangan aku..
bye2 tv, bye2 beddie, bye2 umi, bye2 bak, bye2 house..n bye2 gmok da cat..sob2..

tp nk pkir balek. ‘rilek ahr, aku bkan x pnah masok hostel pon..my ex-hostel jauh lbih trok dr ni..(ye kowt? x elok kutuk ish..-tepuk dahi sndiri-) ehem..yeah! i can do it pnye la..
bkan tcampak jauh pon..dkat je..hehe..(dah over confident plak) okeh la..insya-Allah aku okeh..’

and, aku rase cam nk masok asrama skola balek je..
dye soh aku provide,

black or dark leather shoes.
1 set pillow case(white).
1 set pillow.
1 blanket.
white ‘sarung’ (aku agk confuse, ni kain bju kurung ea??).
white tudung.

n others typical stuff yg kne bwk pi asrama cam zmn kte skool dlu2..
x taw la korang pnye cne..hoho..
aku pon tpikir..cam kmbali zmn skola ja..
(is it a bad news or good news?) haih..dunno
bak kate pepatah,

dont judge a book by it’s cover.

so aku mang redha ngan ape yg ade..ade hikmah nye kowt.
(ish, jahat btol mulut aku ni! -tepuk mulut sndiri-)

yg pasti, lg best dr skola, n blaja lg gile dr skola.

now, i’m feeling excited..!
ha..lg satu, sape same course ngan aku ha?? puas aku usya, tak jmpe lagi..
yg byk..law, sains kmanusiaan, ilmu wahyu, engine..(yg aku knal la)

huuu..ikot pngalaman aku la..
mang aku slalu pi tempat yg aku x knal..mang bhijrah btol
okeh think positive! bole jmpe kwn baru! hehe..
x kesa la bous ke gerl… bkan aku nak mggatal okeh..coz aku ttp ngan bf aku..hehehe
(mke agk gatal)

ehem, okeh serious balek.

this friday mang aku usha klcc puas2..
gonna be my last class at british council..haih sdeyh..
gonna miss them..tape2 jumaat ni aku bawak kamera..!

aha, rileks la salwa..ko free tiap2 weekend (ye2 je)
maksod aku bole kuar la..haha..
ntahla, ntah cane idop aku slpas tarikh 24 may 2009 tu..
insya-Allah aku jd dak baek kot..
(ye2 je..nak blagak jd dak swot hahaha..)

i may look like nerd but i’m not.

erk..makan? makan kat DS lg ker? tak tahu..support sndiri kowt..
lg bagos..byk choice kan? kan? kan?
Alhamdulillah la..

ha, lg satu an..dye soh aku pilih mane satu psatuan aku nak masok..
aku tnye la parent aku..nk pilih silat ke tae-kwa- do ke karate?
ayah aku brapi soh pilih tae-kwan-do, elok ntok self-defence..

hehe..bygkan siti naimatul salwa join tae-kwan-do?

haha..aku sndiri pon glakkn aku sndiri..
mesti best, bengang sepak barang je. hahahaha!! (evil2)

well, nmpaknye aku kne manfaatkn mase aku kat umah ler..
internet? tu x jadi masalah..aku akn on9, insya-Allah.
tp ntok first week aku x on9 kowt..busy mrantau n jelajah tmpat baru..

erm..aku da x taw nk ckp pe lg..maybe next time? okeh..next time la..
next time..hoho..
c ya later..

da xde kje dah ni..

< my feveret one..really simple ouh. hehe

smalam aku mang da xde bnde nak wat..mcm bese aku blek dr klas ngan Bella..nek tren la en..
siap ikot jln jauh lg..kan bella?
mrayap2 sket skali skala..hoho..
then sampai je kat stesen..tv3 ade ltak 50 t-sdhirt terbaik..



cpatkan mase blalu? sape sangke..
kita da mninggalkan zaman skola..

yea, dlu bukan main dgn smangat ‘bila nak abes skola?’ 100x ni..

tp bila tiba saat tu..xder rase pape..
biasa ja..ape yg speacial nye?
aku rase prangai aku cam dlu gak..
so apahal dlu aku nak sgt abes skola??
yea, psoalan tu sring brmain d pmikiran aku..

yea, bmulalah kite start tdedah dgn dunia luar..
maseng2 ikut haluan sndiri..
nak mngejar cita2 maseng2..

aku pon mnghitung ari..ade rase nervous..ade rase excited..ahh! x bole tdo dbuatnye kekadang..
cam nak masok skola f0rm 1 plak..
huhu~ jiwa kacau..

n aku sdar..sjak tamat zaman pskolahan ni..mrupakan sgale pmisahan dn sgale pnemuan..
maybe ade hikmah di ats ape yg blaku..
(apahal aku jd minah ayt bunge2 ni?)

okeyh..agk emosi sketika..mggu ni mcm bese..as usual..
aku pi klas cam bese..talking bout BC..
adoi, sdeyh gler kne stop klas awl2 mmandangkn aku kne register 24 ni..
bye2 BC bye2 Simon bye2 All..
(Simon tu cegu thormat klas aku okeh!)
haha..gonna miss them all..ouh..bless them..

ha! n guess what? i got my new laptop..
(alamak..x snap gamba laptop ni lg…) next time aku tnjok okie..
unfortunately..it’s not vaio..(faiz, i know u glad me did’nt have one)
ahh..tp aku bsyukur ja..ALHAMDULILLAH…hehe
acer aspire 4736 .
gonna be my beloved lappy. huhu~ (^3^)mwah.
plus i’m using wireless skang..so kalo on9 kat umah agk lambat la line nya..

still, aku bsyukur..huhu..i’m still alive!! yahahaha..

erm..pe maw ckp lg ea? ha!

All Da Best t0 all my fwens out there okie!!!!
;D wink!

x taw la nk ckp cne..

kbalakngan ni aku agk lam kabot ouh..
maklom la da nk start study balek..cam2 kne uruskn..huhu~
bru je aim kat otak ni sebulan je lg.
skali kne daftar..

24 mei 2009 ni…

plus dpt kat P.J ouh..
at least x jauh n bkn pdalamn ouh..
XD -kejamnye aku-

lg satu..prasaan aku skang gile nervous..
jiwa kacau..
tenangkn ati ku ya-allah

wish me da best ya guys~