i can’t help it. XD

just now, i’m witnessing a scene which produced by gemok.

guess what? her ex-husband came and pay her a visit. ceh, visit ke? to me it’s more into a date.

bak: hoi! tak gune punye jantan, dh la tak bg bini kamu nafkah ade hati lg dtg jenguk hah?
gemok ex-husband: *cabut*
gemok: …
bak: yg kamu ni gemok, ni la kje kamu ye? asal kami keluar dok bawak jantan tu dtg. mane la tak panas rumah ni, kamu yg dok buat maksiat ye?
gemok: … meow ?


so, how about you ?

lately, bak and my uncles having fun talking when it comes to ‘poligami’
seboleh2 nya kalau berborak tu mesti kena mngena dgn poligami.

and they always ended up debating with me. yes, i don’t agree with this ‘poligami’ thingy.

can’t deny the fact that in Al-Quran, Allah gave permissions to guys for marrying 4 wives, but if KAU MAMPU.
MAMPU dr segi mental dn fizikal. MAMPU jd adil. MAMPU bimbing ke arah siratul mustaqim.

you get it?

zaman nabi dlu pon, nabi kahwin pon atas niat nak tlg janda2 tsebut sbab org susah, dn nk sebarkan agama islam.

obviously, this is really contradicts with the people these days.

marrying more than one is not fun. i tell you. it’s like pain in the neck. but since i’m girl, i can’t talk much kang lain plak jadinya.( haha, care ckp mcm aku ade pngalaman je) lgpon, try to imagine that you GUYS yeah GUYS, tanggungjawab semua kau-orang pegang. salah sikit, semua akn di soal. boy, if i were you by hearing that will gave me goosebumps.

naah, bukan aku nak halang kau orang kahwin lebih.. but i just want to state that marrying more than one is not as easy as ABC. kalau kau-orang agak kau-orang mampu gile2, and can accept the pros n cons. so, go ahead. (but, make sure that your first wife redha la kan, kang jadi sesi tarik rambut so that will be going a different story.)

ha, yg lagi satu aku tak paham, dh tahu lelaki tu dh ade keluarga yg kau dok tgedik2 kacau jugak buat apa? mmg la bmadu itu halal tp mghancurkan rumah tangga tu dh jtuh haram kau tahu tak? ( seriously, ini untuk tatapan umum aku tak tujukn pada sesiapa pon. SE RI US) so, girls please, you have your own pride and dignity, there is no need to disturb the husbands. banyak ape lelaki baik. smpai masenye nnt ade la jodoh tu.
tak payah nk jadi perigi cari timba.

this also implies to couples2 out there.
agak2 dh ada tu cukup2 je la satu. dh la blum kahwin lagi dh buat prangai nk ramai2 plak. amboi, mmg saje nk double maksiat kau tu? aku tak paham betul. bukan lelaki je. pompuan plak aku tgok, kalau dh tahu lelaki tu dh suke org lain yg kau dok thegeh2 jgak apsal ? urgh malu kaum perempuan boleh tak? then dok maki hamun, sebab ape? pasal jantan. hish.
same je lelaki n pompuan aku tgok skang ni. bak kate nenek aku, tak semenggah lansung.

well, i’m not that nice either. hey, no one is perfect. but at least we can change our negative attitude. at least we try the best to change.  

just think twice.

different people. different views.

so, sila la baca.

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and the link of the person : 

thanks syapiqq for giving me this award. err, dh lame aku tak dpt award.. (kdg2 dpt award yg same so kalau aku tak buat tu sorry la ye, sbb ak dh pnah dpt jadi malas nk buat lg, since yg ni award yg bru so ok la kot. ahahahaha) again, thanks syapiqq! XD
2. Spread the award to 15 blogger who you like & you think their blogs are awesome :
 1. anys
2. ahmadmuslim
3.kak innz
4.poppy lisa
8.cik eyqa
10.hua sheng
11. luq

lg 4? ha pilihlah diri sndiri. XD

3. Tell 7 things about yourself :
 seven things huh? 

1. stuck in the house. doing nothing like always. 
2. obsessed with desperate housewives series (glee included) 
3. i dunno how to ride on bike yet.
4. i have a cat, gemok, and i love her. 
5. i’m not pretty and i dun have hot bods. O_O 
hey, i’m telling the truth here. ahaha 
6. love comics. 
7. hmm, the rest is history ?

ahahaha, gaye ckp mcm nk mintak lempang pon ade jgak kan? XD 

boring ?

i know the last post kindda cheesy. ahahhaa. XD

oh well, 1 month left for my hols. nervous plak bile pikir nk masok gombak nnt. 
it’s like being the new kid again, and have to adapt new surroundings, and might to meet new people. 
i love meeting new people, especially nice people. who doesn’t ? 
i heard that works are going to be double like we had in cfs. oh my. -_-
i know it sucks to stuck in the house doing nothing everyday, but at the same time i just don’t want to start a new semester either. ahahaha. norms. 
like i mentioned it before, i’m weird sometimes.

dah lame tak tulis ni ha. ahaha

finally just got back from jementah.
it’s been a week since atok’s died.

bak kate org, kalo dh smpai mase, smpai lah. tak boleh nk buat ape.
redha je. Tuhan tau ape yg terbaik.

ouh yeah, hari tu, aku temankn kakk aku pi penang. just me, kakak n ain. yes, just three of us.
 kakak aku pi pon sbb nk submit assignment katenye (uitm penang)
to avoid driving alone to penang, she ask us to follow instead.

to tell you the truth, this is my first time to travel that far without grown ups.
kdg2 aku pon nak rase mcm mne kan jln sndiri ni. ahaha. lg2 aku ni ank sorang.

*fyi, pd yg tak paham nape aku ckp aku ni ank sorang pdhal tp bru je buat statement ade kakak n adek, err, aku ni ank angkat mak long aku sndiri, so adek bradek kandung yg real ade 5. 🙂 ahaha.

jadilah plan kami ke penang, 3 hari 2 mlm.
serius, jauh gile. penat aku temankn kakak aku. dr pg jalan. byk stop la tapi, ahahaha. smpai2 pkul 8 mlm.
first2 kterang igt nak save budget tdo je kat dorm kakak aku, but due to something, tpakse la cri hotel bajet. ahaha. pusing2 dpt la rm65 satu malam. ape lg kongsi2 la kan. tak larat aku nk jd pemurah kat sini. mkn pasir je nnt. alhamdulillah hotel dye ok siap ade kasi sejadah n buku yasin lg dlm bilik tu. XD cool.

dlm 3 hari tu, kakak aku dok bwk pusing bg puas. kjap trun jj, beh tu sunway behtu queensbay behtu gurney. mlm plak lepak sg. penang. dok plak hentam nasi kandaq line cleaq (nasi kandar line clear). ahahahha.
kasi mnguatkan ke-penang-an.

ok la. then aku tak tahu bile aku bole jln mcm ni lg.


the first thing that i will see if i reach Jementah, is my dear arwah atok sitting in his kerusi malas watching tv near the door. 

he always smile by the time we came out from the car. 
he also always sleeping while watching tv. bak kate org, bukan die tgok tv, tp tv tgok die, and when i switch off the tv he will ask me to turn it on back. haha
he also like to ride on motorcycle and bought newspaper everyday. he kindda up-to-date about the news. 
he likes to laugh at bak’s jokes. 
he really sweet when he with nenek. :’)
he enjoys having his grandchildren surrounding him. 
atuk always gave me some money before i went back home, die ckp buat blanja mkn aiskrim. 
it seems i’ve been dreaming this past few days. 
you see, atuk and nenek followed us to sepang in order to take a great care of nenek since nenek lose her appetite and doesn’t want to eat at all, and atuk just accompanied her. 
atuk having a great time laughing and eating and he also enjoyed the presence of gemok. 
it happened so fast. that morning, he even ate a nasi lemak complete with air sirap and didn’t show any symptom at all. we all happy to see that both atuk n nenek really2 enjoyed staying with us. by afternoon, atuk said that he can’t breath, and he started to throw up. without waiting any second, bak sent him to klinik kesihatan nearby. even umi said that atuk look very pale. then the doctor said that atuk have to admit to the hospital nearby since his heart’s graph is very high. the only hospital that have empty beds is at hospital tunku jaafar seremban. so, there atuk went to hospital by ambulance. 
after asar, we went to hospital and thought that atuk is already ok. we even brought him porridge, kain plekat and his toothbrush. 
when we reached at the hospital. 
atuk is in critical condition. even doctor advise to ask all the family come and read yasin for him. 
by that time, i know the possibility to see atuk alive is like 20-30% 
nenek n umi can’t stop crying, and they read yasin for him and pray that atuk will survive. 
but, Allah loves him more. atuk passed away. 
sometimes, i prefer atuk sleeping while watching tv, at least he will wake up when i switch off the tv. 
but now, he won’t wake up. 
 and it takes time to accept the fact that atuk is gone.
i even felt that atuk is still there relax by his ‘kerusi malas’ 
atuk, i’m really greatful to have you as grandfather. i’m gonna miss you a lot, and one day i will tell my child about having a great and awesome atuk. insya-Allah. 
may Allah bless him. Al-fatihah.

what a week

i just got back yesterday.

ouh, i never mention that i went to segamat for my ibu n ayah’s knduri since they will perform their haji this year.

mcm biasalah, kalau kenduri, konfem2 kene tlg punye.
and since aku ni ank dare konfem2 kje bank punye, lbih2 lg ank dare yg dh besar. -_-“
haha, biasala tu kaan?

ha adek aku yg num.4 tu dh mrdeka la tu since pmr habes smalam.
skang tggal adek aku yg num. 3 ntok spm. O_O
insya-Allah dye ok kot. amin.

long story short, time kenduri aku sgt penat mcm tak jejak bumi. -__-“

but the best part is kalau time makan, aku tak mkn kat depan, aku mkn kat dapur.
during kenduri, dapur is the heaven. why? because you can take whatever you want without worrying other people!! hahaha, and you can eat it while it hot and fresh. hahaha. hey, aku amek satu2 okay. skadar buat syarat je. standard ah org buat kje dok dapor. XD

ouh ya, since my parents at segamat will be away, aku akn balek segamat time raye haji just to make sure that my sisters n my lil bro doing ok.

so, how’s your day?


so, here i am in the middle of holiday stuck inside the house doing nothing.


haha. try to imagine i can finished all glee episodes in just 3 days ?
right now, i’m trying to finish k-on (s2) and yakitate-japan! episodes. hoho.

yeah, i’m anime lunatic. or u can call me as anime otaku ? haha.

okay, it seems that i don’t have life at all.
err, but actually i have one. O_O

and great news! i have a great plan for next week.
very looking forward to it!! >.<