stakat ni.

bila aku renung kmbali.

pejam.celik.pejam.celik . da bulan puasa.lagi bbrapa mnggu da raya.

n bbrapa hari lpas tu aku da final. 0.0

and dsebabkan final maken tiba, lecturer aku blumba2 bg assignment.
hasilnye, assignment mcm mount. everest. -_-“

and aku dgn leganye da settle sme assignment n presentation.

just tggal kne tasmi’ surah al-Furqan n scrap book ntok btq.


next week sambong bniaga di bazaar kmbali. huhu.

yes. agak memenatkan.
tapi aku ske being busy.
buat aku lpe ape problem aku.
so i rather do something than do nothing.

haih. kjapnye masa. sem 1 nak dkat habes daa.

cinta sempurna.

Aku Manusia Lemah Selalu Terjatuh
Berbeda Aku Dari Mu
Kau Berdiri Teguh
Aku Serba Tiada Aku Kekurangan
Dan Bila Kau Tiba Aku Hilang Dari Kewujudan

Sempurnanya Sifatmu Tulusnya Hatimu
Jujurnya Niatmu
Tingginya Kesabaranmu
Lepaskanlah Diriku
Kerna Aku Tak Mampu Tuk Menanggung Sebuah Cinta Sempurna

Bukan Aku Tak Pernah Mengerti Dirimu
Kusanjung Setiap Kata Cinta Kau Berikan Aku
Hilangkan Rasa Itu Akhirkan Semua
Dan Bila Kau Sedar Aku Hilang Dari Kewujudan.. Oooo

Sempurnanya Sifatmu Tulusnya Hatimu
Jujurnya Niatmu
Tingginya Kesabaranmu
Lepaskanlah Diriku
Kerna Aku Tak Mampu Tuk Menanggung Sebuah Cinta Sempurna

yuna – cinta sempurna.
😉 wink!!

puasa di kampus.


uhuu. penat tahap giga la ouh!
i think da lame tak blogging kot?

well, kindda busy kblakangan ni..
lots of assignments n disscussion nak kne kejar.
plus esok ade presentation for my basic themes of al-quran.
da la tajok ‘perished nations’. sumthing that aku ta pnah wat sblom ni..
hopes going well. amin!

and guess what? aku bniaga bazaar di kampus. huhu! taekwondo club pnye.
kebab ada pizza megi ada duit korang je tade!! heheh. jk jk.
jempot dtg kalo nak tgok. :))

tapi mmg trase kletihan ouh.
bayangkan. kelas pagi. tgh hari disscussion. ptg bniaga nk dkat malam bru ok kot. tu tak tentuu lagi.
haih. saket blakang ouh!! huhu.

bulan puasa yang mulia. mmg ku timba mcm2 pngalaman ouh. huhu.

nanti aku post gamba time kterang bniaga ea. 😉


i guess so.

aku agk pening pala laa rini. it seems trouble do kills me slowly.

ke aku yang bnyk pikir?

entahlaa.aku da penat. tau tak penat?!

why do people expects so much things from me?
why i got all the blame?

is it being not perfect is sinful??i’m tired of this drama folks!
u might see i’m smiling.but the facts is i just want to hide this hurts. it hurts me a lot.

i just wish i have a simple life. not a dramatic life like’s too sudden.

Ya Allah, u the only one who understand me.
please give me strength to face this.
i’m getting older and i need something to rely on.
just let me get over with it.


woot. 0.o

lega gile da settle group disscussion td.
dpt topic ‘healthy lifestyle campaign’
(gi-la) mcm hapee je aku dok disscuss ouh. 0.0
hope it’s ok?
tp miss ckp all doin great. heheh. good news then? :))

then try listening practice jap.

aphal radio dye wajibul ghunnah kuasa 3 ha?? T.T
nak bdngung tlinga aku dok try tajamkn pdengaran ouh!. :((
naseb dpt 15 over 20. alhamdulillah. kalo tak aku frust tak berlagu jee.

mintak2 la radio pnye sound system bunyi ok time the real listening exam!! (amin~)

penat aku dok btafakur dalam kelas spanjang hari. huhu.
and plus keje banyak gak laa.

lagi skali aku ponteng TKD training.
sorry mr.president.
(tape aku tau, ko jenguk jee kat pdg tu ngan berkain plekat tak join pon kan? kan? hahah! ((: )

sok ade klas fim by day n meeting by night.
just get ready salwa. hoho.

blogging lagi. ;)

update lagii! :))

haha. aku da tak tau nak wat ape daa.
so aku blogging ja laa.
(tak sedar ade assignment tak settle lagi ni.haha.)

ari ni mcm bese. ade 2 kelas.
kelas writing ngan basic themes of Al-Quran

kelas writing ngan madam kulwant
ari ni kene wat s.v.a exercise (subject-verb-agreement)
sumpa, aku mang agk tahan mngantok. hahahaha! tapi ok la kot chapter ari ni. takde la susa mcm dulu2.

da abes kelas.

klas basic themes ngan al-quran plak with sir raheem.
cam bese. aku cm bsemangat sket kat kelas dye.
sbab dye sndiri pon bsemangat explain sme2 kat kterang! haha. kami sume pggil sir comel. :))
plus aku dpt paper mid-term aku balek la rini..
marks aku dpt 10.5 over 20.
cis. separoh je aku dpt. maybe first time kot. huhu.
alhamdulillah passed! 😀

behtu, kat kampus aku ni ngan semngatnye drang wat ‘econs festival’ under economics society.
bole tahan laa. mcm2 bnde ade.
aku ske pi kat booth foreigner ni, sbab derang jual bnde2 pelik. jadi aku mcm nak tau sgt2 la kan.
heheh. yg paling tak le blah tuu, ade sorang foreigner berusaha sgt2 ckp bahse melayu. respect gile. haha!
promote pnye pasal la kan. kekeke.
over all, ok la! keep it up guys! :))

weh, aku punye baju raya sume da siaap! hahaha. korang da settle daa?
tapi kan..cuti raya 3 HARI jee. (kejam.kejam.)
drpd nk pgang duit raya ngan kuih tahun ni tpakse dgntikn ngan buku ngan pen. :((
nenek, bg wa duit raye lebih bole tak! wat semnagt nak face final exam lpas cutii! heheh.
ramadhan tak masok lagi da dok disscuss pasal raya ea salwa. hahah! XD

wooot. kat sini aku nk promote kawan aku. (bukan nak jual dye laa!) dye wat business.
sadly, ni for girls okie. so please click here.
haha. kawan aku ni mmg gile business. aku pon agk speechless ngan care dye bdagang sane sini. haha!
skang ni dye dok promote chocolate lolipop dye.
-no comment-(tgh dok mkn choco lolipop dye la ni.)
thanks yan! 😀

heheh. aku tak tau la nape aku agk free gile beberape hari ni.

‘si dia’ pon da maken bsemangat mnggunakan perkhidmatan skype.
haha! suke. suke. :))

ceh. miang sketika.

and paling aku suke sgt, ank2 kucing pd kucing aku makin comel!
ade 4 ekor.

eheheh. ta silap aku laa. ayah aku yg letak name mereka2 tsebot.
and makin aktif. da start panjat sana sini.
uhuu. mesti haruu aku nak keja derang lepas ni..

edisi tag khas.

the precious question num.5 : insan yang teristimewa.

insan yang teristimewa?

yes, i do have them!
yes, THEM!

1. bak n umi.

i do love BAK and UMI sgt2. walaupun mereka hanya parents angkat aku.
derang bela aku sejak usia aku sminggu lagi. they really took care of me.

aku rasa aku paham.
setiap parents inginkan cahaya mata. betul tak?
dan inginkan satu family yg bahagia.
mesti susah nak terima kalau tak de peluang nk mnyambung generasi kan?
itulah bak n umi aku tpaksa mlalui pd mulanya.

dan ibu aku, as adik umi aku, dye paham perasaan kakak sulung dye.
so, i end up as bak n umi’s daughter. 🙂

2. ayah n ibu.

i do love them also!!
tanpa mereka, tak wujud la daku di sini. walaupun tak duduk serumah.
tapi kekadang aku sleepover jgak. slalu time raya la. 🙂

and aku akn mncontohi sikap ibu aku yg memahami keadaan umi aku satu ketika dahulu.
thanks ayah. thanks ibu. thanks bak. thanks umi. :))

3. siblings.

ahaa! aku kalo dok di samping bak n umi aku. aku hanyalah ank tggal.
but nak tau tak aku ade 5 org adek bradik tmasok aku??
haha. i’m second! 😉

aku ade kakak – 19 slamat blaja di uitm penang dlm kos hotel management.

adek pompuan num. 3 – slamat form 4.

adek pompuan num. 4- slamat form 2.

adek lelaki num.5 – slamat darjah 4.

hehe. aku slalo gak hang out ngan mereka. 🙂
mmg slalu bhempap same2 kalo bjmpe. (maklomla tak serumah. huhu)
i love them too! 🙂

4. friends.

woot. aku ade byk gile kawan2!
i love them too! sme best2.

ramai sgt laa. so tak dpt nak ckp sorang. by d way i love u fren! :))

5. him. 🙂
yes. i love him. he meant everything to me. 🙂
i love you nasyat. ❤

and i love who love me. 🙂

exabytes – merdeka 09. :D

This year is Malaysia’s 52nd Independence Day! Yay! As always, we will be running a few special campaigns to commemorate this special day.

Stand a flag in front of the house,.. check.
Stick a flag on the car rooftop,.. check.
Put an iLoveMalaysia logo on website to win iPhone 3GS,.. REALLY?

YES! This is a chance for you to win yourself one fancy, must-have smartphone – iPhone 3GS worth RM 2500 each! That’s not all. The best part is, you can also refer someone to join this campaign, and if they are selected as winner, you as the referer will win the exact same prize! – all while expressing your love to the country!

Don’t be disheartened if you fail to get the grand prize. We still have other cool and expensive consolation prizes waiting for you. We hereby kick off this campaign today!

(celok sket ayat kat page tsebot. hahahah!)

ahaa. interested? please click here.

and please do put my email as your ‘Referrer’s Email’.

thanks. 😀